What tokens can be used in the Learning Mode Addon Poster?

What tokens can be used in the Learning Mode Addon Poster?

The Learning Mode Poster was depreciated and replaced with the now more robust Fast Poster that can be trained via ini files. More info on that here:


*The Learning Most Poster Addon was rebuilt and is now just built right into Fast Poster in the main Scrapebox*

For tokens that you can use in messages in Fast Poster see:


The Learning Mode Poster Addon can use the below tokens.  Note: these tokens will not work with Fast and Slow poster in the main scrapebox window.  For the tokens that work with fast and slow poster, see here.

  • %USERNAME% will be replaced with the users name from the file loaded in for usernames.
  • %USEREMAIL%  will be replaced with the users email from the file loaded in for emails.
  • %USERURL% will be replaced with the users website from the file loaded in the user url slot.
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