I submitted for a license activation or transfer and its been over 12 hours and its not active.

I submitted for a license activation or transfer and its been over 12 hours and its not active.

99% chance you submitted the wrong info.  Make sure you submit the correct Paypal transaction ID.  You can find your transaction ID in paypal, here is a video that shows you how:

Also make sure you submit the email address that the money was sent from.  It is the email that you received the "thanks for purchasing scrapebox" email too.  Also it is the email address that paypal has labeled as "primary" in your paypal account (unless you have changed your primary email address since you purchased).

Else if you submitted the correct info then it could be that a anti-virus or firewall is blocking scrapebox from reaching the authentication servers to activate your license.  Go to help >> test server connection and see if you have 6 green lights.  If you do not have all 6 lights green then you need to find out what is blocking scrapebox.  Make sure you add allow rules in all of your anti-virus/malware checkers/firewalls for scrapebox.

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